Tribe takes a trip to the Sydney Family Easter Fair at Moore Park!
Come and join our Tribe in celebrating Easter at the Sydney Family fair. With carnival rides, carnival games, show bags, an Easter bag zone, a bike show, a rabbit hopping competition, stage performances, an animal nursery, a reptile show, a fishing show, a live stage, and monster jumping castles.
The Showing Entertainment Quarter 122 Lang Road Moore Park
Supports start at 9 am-4 pm. Support time is available to be personalized.
More Information
Tickets: Under 16yrs $13, Over 16 yrs $25 (Please included Support worker costs of entry if you don’t have a companion card.)
Please bring money for additional costs such as ride tickets, show bags, meals, and drinks.
The invoice will be sent end of the school holidays.
Itinerary of day and wet weather option confirmed the week of activity to parent/carer.